“The relationship between language
and culture”
Terms of Language and Culture
Indonesian term, the same as the language, in
English, taal in Dutch, Sprache in German, lughatun in Arabic, and the language
in Sanskrit. Those terms, each having its own aspect, according to his
thinking, to mention a cultural element that has a very broad aspect, so it is
a concept that is not easily defined. as in the said right by experts:
According sturtevent, language is arbitrary symbol system, a sound that
is in use by members of a social group for cooperation and interconnected.
According to Chomsky, language is a set of sentences, each finite length
and contructed out of a finite set of elements.
According Keraf,
language is a means of communication between members of the public, in the form
of the symbol of the voice generated by the human vocal organs.
4. According to Von Humboldt,
language is a synthesis of these two forms, that is the form of sound
(Platform) and the from of mind (Ideenform) (Simanjuntak, 1983: 244).
According to Edward Sapir, language is a guide for a social reality.
Languages also determine certain choices of interpretation in advance. (http://muhammadanwar-ss.blogspot.co.id/2012/05/hubungan-bahasa-dan-budaya.html)
Culture according to
Clifford Geertz as mentioned by Fedyani Syaifuddin in
his book Anthropology kotemporer the system of symbols consisting of
symbols and meanings are shared, and public. In line with the above opinion
Claud Levi - Strauss views culture as the structural system of symbols and
meanings are shared, which can be identified, and the public.
Language and Culture
Language and culture are the two things are
interrelated. This is evidenced by the many phenomena or realities that show
the relationship between language and culture. The relationship could be a
transformation, influence each other, and so forth. According Koentjaraningrat
as quoted Abdul Chaer and Leonie in his book
Sociolinguistics that language is part of culture. so, the relationship between
language and culture is a subordinate relationship, where the language was
under the cultural environment. But there is another opinion which says that
the language and culture have a coordinative relations, namely the relationship
which is equal, the same height position. (downloaded from https://donyprisma.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/hubungan-bahasa-dan-budaya/
on 27 September 2016)
Semoga Bermanfaat :-)
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