Education is the
process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,
values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling,
discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently
takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate
themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any
experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts
may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.
Education is commonly
divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school,
secondary school and then college, university, or apprenticeship. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education)
Definition of
Education According to Experts Education
Ki Hajar Devantoro more familiarly
called the father of Indonesian Education, argued that the definition of
education is guiding the growth and development of children. That is, education
is an attempt to lead the power of nature in every child so that they can grow
and develop as human beings and as members of society who can reach salvation
and happiness in their lives.
Ahmad D. Marimba, education is a
conscious guidance by educators to students with the aim of shaping the
personality of the main physical and spiritual.
Gunning and
Kohnstamm, education is a process of formation and development of conscience, in
which a person is able to establish and define themselves in an ethical manner
based on conscience.
Attitude is the feelings, thoughts, and the tendency of someone who is more
or less permanent familiar with certain aspects of the environment. The
components of attitude is knowledge. feelings, and a tendency to act.
1. Understanding the attitude of
some experts:
Notoatmodjo S.
(1997): Attitude is a reaction or response which was still closed and a person to a
stimulus or object.
Bimo Walgito,
(2001): Attitude is the opinion of the organization, a person's beliefs about the
object or situation that is relatively steady, which is accompanied by a
certain feeling, and provided a basis for the person to make a response or
berpenilaku in a certain way it chooses.
Education Ettitude
Education attitude (affective) is closely related to
one's own values. The attitude is a reflection of a shared value. Therefore,
educational attitude is basically educational value. Value is a concept that is
in the human mind that is hidden, is not in the empirical world. Values
associated with one's view of good and bad, beautiful and not beautiful, worthy
and unworthy, unfair and unjust, and so forth. One's views about all it does is
intangible, we just might be able to tell from the behavior in question.
Therefore the value is essentially the standards of conduct, measure or
criterion that determines a person of good and bad, beautiful and not
beautiful, worthy and unworthy, and so forth, so that the standards which will
color the person's behavior. Thus, the value of education is basically the process of
planting a value to the learner is expected therefore that students can behave
in accordance with the views he thinks is right and does not conflict with the
norms in force.
Gulo (2005)
concluded on the following values:
a. Values can not be
taught but it is known from her appearance.
b. Affective domain
development in value can not be separated from the cognitive and psychomotor
Problem the value is emotional problems
and therefore subject to change, evolve, so it could be developed.
The development of values or moral did not happen at once, but through certain
Education attitude (affective)
is closely related to one's own values. The attitude is a reflection of a
shared value. Therefore, educational attitude is basically educational value.
Educational value is basically the process of planting a value to the
learner is expected therefore that students can behave in accordance with the
views he thinks is right and does not conflict with the norms in force.